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What we are saying here is be ORIGINAL. You wanna be the next Angelina Jolie? Brad Pitt? Tom Cruise? WHY? What's wrong with being YOU.. the person you were meant to BE?  Absolutely NOTHING. What better person to be YOU than YOU? It's one thing you can't EVER get wrong. Being yourself is positively, 100% recommended at ALL times. Yes, it may be ironic in this field, but the CD's, Agents and Managers want NOTHING more than who YOU are... So, give them what they want!

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And that is YOU! When you look at the most profiund Actors and Actresses of the day, do they remind you of anyone else or do they ALWAYS stand out solo? Think of say, Jack Nicholson, Johnny Depp, Will Smith, Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie... There isn't ANYONE like them around. They created their own image, brand and persona. The epitome of DIFFERENT. Don't be afraid to stand out and be unique...

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Therea re MANy things in this life that you can be.... Being YOURSELF should be #1.


Photo courtesy of Where ALL the SMART Actors go!!