Acting Tutorials Tips
- Try focusing on 2 to 3 classes per month.
- Repeat those same classes over and over again until it sticks.
- SmartActors classes can also be used as a great resource to brush up on specific topics as needed.
- How To Get Started
- Scene Study
- Improv
- Headshots
- Then pick and choose.
Intermediate and Advanced
- Scene Study
- Improv
- Audition Technique
- Agent | Manager (If applicable)
- Then pick and choose.
Always Growing Library with Monthly Updated Classes
Get Out of Your Head
Many times when actors are thinking too much, which can also be called 'In your head,' it covers up the great work you are capable of doing. Andrew Benne teaches...
Categories: Scene Study, Stage Fright
Headshots – How to Choose a Great Photographer
Do you know how to choose a great Headshot photographer? One of the biggest questions you might ask yourself is: Should I be worried if this photographer doesn’t have a...
Categories: Headshots
Headshots – Oh No Nervousness
Do you get nervous during your photo shoots? Ughh, don’t we all! Hands sweaty, knees weak. Are you wanting to pass out right about now? You’re nervous about your photo...
Categories: Headshots
Headshots – Preparing for Your Photoshoot
Do you know how to prep for your photo shoot? Denice has great advice in this online acting class on prepping and avoiding major changes before the big day. She...
Categories: Headshots
"What makes really great is that you can train with many coaches all in one place. If I need a particular type of training at a moments notice, it's right there."
- Pete Switenko, Actor